So You’re Gonna Quit Dropbox? You Phony!
Saturday, April 12, 2014 at 11:22AM
Joseph Kelley

I follow lots of tech journalists on Twitter. It’s how I get alerted to most of the tech news I read. Sometimes though, I really get a belly full of their liberal tripe. The latest example of this is the flap about many of them threatening to quit Dropbox (by far the best on-line storage company in my opinion) because of Dropbox’s recent decision to put Condoleezza Rice on their board of directors.



I find this phony outrage almost laughable. Oh, I’m sure it makes these guys feel better about themselves for having taken the moral high ground in this instance (on a purely moral basis I tend to agree with them), but if they were truly genuine in their convictions there would be a whole host of other companies they’d also refuse to do business with. I suggest they look at the boards of Archer Daniels Midland, Monsanto, ExxonMobil, Chevron and a few others. If they are resolved to apply the same standards to all, then they will quickly find themselves forced to grow their own food and make their own gasoline.

My word to them: 

Stop thumping your phony, morally superior chest unless you’re truly willing to apply your morals universally. Until then, you’re being hypocritical, or worst yet, you’re just grandstanding for attention.

Article originally appeared on Fighting the Left. TEXAS STYLE! (
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