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Letterbox Beta Ready for Snow Leopard!

Apple does some really boneheaded things sometimes.  A mistake they keep repeating is limiting the viewing arrangement in Apple Mail to two columns.  Note to Mr. Jobs: Just because you may think this is the best way to read e-mail, the rest of the civilized world and every other e-mail app on the planet gives users the choice of two or three column viewing.

Do you think Steve is listening?  Of course not.  Not to worry, though.  Mr. Aaron Harnly to the rescue!  His "Letterbox" creation fixes this idiodic problem with Apple Mail and has since Tiger (OS X 10.4).  This add-on for Apple mail arranges the view to three columns: 1) Folders, 2) List, and 3) Preview.

Get letterbox here.  Even though this is a beta for the new 64 bit Mail app, it works fine for me in 10.6.1.  Click the "Donate" button and throw Mr. Harnly a few bones for his trouble.  He provides a great service for us Apple Mail users!

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