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Is Netflix Having Trouble?

I’m starting to see a sprinkling of complaints about Netflix’s streaming reliability.  There’s been half a dozen occasions in the past month when my Apple TV wouldn’t connect to the service at all, even when all the other internet services worked just fine.  I’m relatively new to the service so maybe I’m just beginning to notice.  I’ve been streaming Neflix content like crazy since I got an Apple TV.  Before that, my streaming was limited to an occasional half-hour TV show on my iMac.  A couple of days ago, I got this e-mail notice:

Netflix gave me 3% off this month’s bill (about 30 cents) for my trouble.  Obviously they’re admitting to some downtime, but I’m wondering if what they’re owning up to is just the tip of the iceberg.  Does the fact that Apple has sold a quarter million Netflix-equipped Apple TVs in the past month or so have anything to do with this?  They certainly haven’t hinted about having trouble keeping up with new demand, although during last week’s earnings report, CEO Reed Hastings made a point of Netflix being primarily a streaming company, citing more content delivered by wire than by mail.

Maybe it’s just my system or the Apple TV has a problem, but three or four outages per week is unacceptable.  You can bet I’ll be watching this more closely.  Am I the only person having these problems?

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