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MultiBrowser: A Great Addition to OS X

It's a fact, some websites look and/or work better in different browsers.  For example, my WordPress site editor does some quirky things in Safari, but works great in Firefox.  Google Docs and GMail work better in Chrome (makes sense, Google wrote Chrome).  There's lots of reasons you might want to view a website in one particular browser and that one may not be your default.  MultiBrowser lets you choose which browser you want to open a link with and does so beautifully.
After installing the MultiBrowser PrefPane and setting MultiBrowser as your default browser, whenever you click on a link in an e-mail or any other document, MultiBrowser pops up a list of the browsers installed on your Mac and lets you choose which one to open the link with.  It couldn't be easier.  Additionally, the MultiBrowser popup is very attractive and completely configurable. It reminds me of Growl notifications except the list pops up at the mouse pointer.
Kudos for the developers.  By making this free, they've done the Mac community a great service.


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