MacTexan Wallpaper o' th' Week

Sedona Starry Night

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Wallpaper o' th' Week (Why not? It don't cost nuthin'.)

I spend a large portion of most days working on one (or more) of my Macs. Some say I’m slightly (or not so slightly) A.D.D. Maybe that’s why I get bored with desktop wallpaper rather quickly. I’ve collected literally hundreds of hi-res images to adorn my 27” iMac and 15” MacBook Pro. I have four desktops configured on each, so that multiplies my problem by eight. Having different wallpaper on each desktop is a visual que to where I am.

Enough about my issues.

If you like to collect desktop wallpaper there’s a million places to find it, but since you’re here already you may as well have a look at the one I’m giving away this week. Just click the thumbnail at the top of the right sidebar labeled “MacTexan Wallpaper o’ th’ Week” to view my latest hi-res offering. If it’s to your likin’, just right-click to download it. I guarantee you won't find it anywhere else. Each and every one will be a MacTexan original. Now, I don’t pretend to be a great photographer, but I do travel to a lot of neat places and I like taking pictures. Besides, today’s brainy cameras make us all pretty good picture-takers don’t they?

I’ll be selecting some of my favorites and posting one every week so…

 …you’re welcome.

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