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Entries in acquisitions (1)


Note to Audiophiles: Get Over It!

I must have read twenty articles today about Apple’s purported acquisition of Beats. Most of them droning on and on about how Beats headphones and earphones are a far cry from audiophile quality and what a mistake it is for Apple to blow $3.2 billion on the company. To all of them I say, “Enough with all the second-guessing, already!” I’m sure these pundits are loving yet another opportunity to dump on Apple’s business practices and to paint Tim Cook as some sort of buffoon, but in my opinion they are just a bunch of link baiters shooting their mouths off for attention.

When someone tells me that Beats aren’t audiophile quality cans, my first response is, “Duuuuuh!”  When I’m done being a smartass, I would say, “So what?” I would then ask them if anything in Apple’s product lineup (past or present) could be remotely considered “audiophile quality?” Let’s go down the list:

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