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Entries in ad-blocker (1)


Should You Install an Ad-Blocker? Unfortunately, the Answer is Yes.

In the past few days since Apple released iOS 9 with its ability to install ad-blocking software, a minor kerfuffle has ensued. All the ruckus seems to be centered on Marco Arment who, according to his web site is “a programmer, writer, podcaster, geek, and coffee enthusiast”. He is quite well-known in tech circles for his involvement with Tumblr and Instapaper. On August 11th he posted a very lucid, succinct article titled “The ethics of modern web ad-blocking” in which he makes several points about the many evils of modern web advertising, any of which provide ample justification for installing an ad-blocker. Taken in total they make you feel like all web advertisers should be imprisoned. As soon as Apple would allow it, Mr. Arment began selling an ad blocker he developed for iOS called Peace. All the hullabaloo started when, after just a couple of days in the App Store, Mr. Arment suddenly pulled the app and posted this, “Just doesn’t feel good”. He explains he still believes in all the reasons for an ad-blocker but he doesn’t want to be the arbiter. I can respect that. Especially when I realize what a butt-load of cash he’s turning his back on. Peace was the #1 bestseller in the App Store when he pulled it. Observing principal in action is quite refreshing, actually.

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