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Entries in MacTexan Podcast (7)


Podcasts 9 & 10 Available

Podcasts #9 "Network Geek" & 10 "Tablet Storm" are up.  You can get them here.  You can also download them, or better yet, subscribe to our feed in iTunes (link opens iTunes).  You can also search the iTunes store for "mactexan".


MacTexan Podcast #8 is Up

Podcast #8 "Is Ping For Real?" is up. The MacTexans discuss iTunes 10, Ping and the new iPod offerings from Cupertino.  You can get it here.  You can also download it, or better yet, subscribe to our feed in iTunes (link opens iTunes).  You can also search the iTunes store for "mactexan".


MacTexan Podcast #6 is Up!

Podcast #6 "iOS Rules the World" is up.  Joe & Ken talk about some juicy Apple rumors and discuss some geek tools.  You can get it here.  You can also download it, or better yet, subscribe to our feed in iTunes (link opens iTunes).  You can also search the iTunes store for "mactexan".


MacTexan Podcast #5 is Up!

Podcast #5 "Woz is 60!" is up.  We wish Woz a happy birthday, review this weeks news and discuss extensions in Safari 5.  You can get it here.  You can also download it, or better yet, subscribe to our feed in iTunes (link opens iTunes).  You can also search the iTunes store for "mactexan".


The MacTexan Podcast #4 is UP!

Podcast #4 "Our Favorite Apps" is up.  We discuss the iOS4 jailbreak and several Mac apps we just can't live without.  You can get it here.  You can also download it, or better yet, subscribe to our feed in iTunes (link opens iTunes).  You can also search the iTunes store for "mactexan".